Welcome to Secure My Home

Safe home - security first


If you landed on this page then you’re like me – you are preoccupied with how to make your home safer. Perhaps you heard of break-ins in your neighbourhood, or you may think nothing is safe nowadays. I sure do! You may also be one of those unlucky homeowners whose house was broken into. In any case, I know exactly where you’re coming from and the stress it can cause.

The good news is:

In this blog I will show you what you can do to make your home safer. I will tell you about my personal experience that led me here and I will teach you practical safety tips you can apply to protect your home, but most importantly you and your family.

Being a former security guard, as well as a”jack of all trades” kind of guy, I like to come up with and implement creative ideas around the house, and I will give you practical tips about home safety so you can do the same.

So What’s My Story?