Solar Motion Sensor Security Lights – 2 Pieces Unit

2 pieces unit – Solar Motion Sensor Security Lights, composed from one independent solar panel and one-two lights with sensor


Solar Motion Sensor Security Light


Solar Motion Sensor Security Lights

  • Better to cover wide areas, as front of the garages, side of the house with all the windows, areas where you don’t have bushes and it is an open space
  • If you have a double or triple garage, can cover all the space.
  • The technology is evolving very fast, and the LED are getting better and better.
  • The light will be more powerful and can compete with the halogen lights.
  • The units are simple to install, not to many screws.
  • You can install the solar panel in the best position to get all the lights during the day.
  • Better lighting then the compact ones, more LED lights/unit
  • There are some units on the market with 2 lights that can cover 1800


I just Google the maps and I found on a street 4 houses with different design, where I can show you where this lights type can be useful


As you can see, each house may have a different design.

If you have a proper rectangular home, type mobile bungalow home, you may end up to have a set of 2 pcs unit at the front and one set at the back (2 pcs unit – solar panel motion sensor LED lights, composed from one independent solar panel and one-two lights with sensor)


Other houses with a different design like this ones, or similar, will need for each wall another light.

  1. 2 compact lights at the front and a 2 pieces unit at the back, to cover the entire wall.
  2. 2 compact lights to the front (maybe there are 2 garage doors and I choose to have a light above each garage, and 2 compact lights to the back, due to different shape of design. At this point you can choose the  compact lights – 4pcs package
  3. 2 compact lights at the front and a 2 pieces unit at the back, to cover the entire wall.
  4. Compact lights to the front, due to different shape of design, but I decided to have same type of compact light also at the back, so I will go with  compact lights – 4 pcs package or with 2  compact lights -2 pcs package

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