Category: Blog

Most Basic Security Camera To Install

Most Basic Security Camera To Install

What is the most basic security camera to install? Did you know that most burglaries, approx. 34% are done forcing the front door, and that 65% of all home burglaries happen during the day...

Solar Motion Sensor Security Lights – 2 Pieces Unit

2 pieces unit – Solar Motion Sensor Security Lights, composed from one independent solar panel and one-two lights with sensor Better to cover wide areas, as front of the garages, side of the house...

Compact Solar Power Motion Sensor LED Light

Compact Solar Power Motion Sensor LED Lights

Some things to consider when installing Solar Power Motion Sensor LED Lights:   Better coverage of designated areas, such as front of the doors, outdoor windows, areas where you have bushes If you have...

Home break in

Case Study – Two Real Home Break in

Home Break in – Don’t let it happen to you Just a couple of weeks after my house was broken into, one of my neighbor’s had a home break in as well. It was...

How to Secure a Door

There are multiple ways to secure a door, as well as to upgrade the security of your doors and your home. Most of the homes have regular locks in place, at the front door,...

Wireless Security Camera

Wireless Security Camera

Wireless Security Camera: A Simple, Cheap and Efficient Way to Secure Your Home                     Have you thought about installing a simple and efficient indoor webcam...

First Thing to Do After a Break-in

Call the Police! A burglary can be a frightening experience on so many levels. Please remember, the first things to do after a break-in, is to call the Police and put the incident on...

Outdoor Security Motion Sensor LED Lighting

Outdoor motion sensor LED lighting is a great way to increase your home security and discourage burglars from lurking around the house at night. How many times it happened that I needed to step...

Burglar Proof Your Home for Cheap

I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say that I want the peace of mind of a safe home, but I don’t want you to spend a fortune on expensive security systems for...